Meet Our Team!

Retreat Organizers

The Queen City Stitch Retreat is organized by Amy Mayberry, (fiberartsamy), and Maggi Flynn (kitschywips). Our home base is the beautiful city of Charlotte, North Carolina in the United States.

With an emphasis on community, we hope to share our passion for cross stitch and provide behind the scenes access to some of our favorite artists and designers with the entire cross stitch community.

Everyone is welcome at our retreat!

You can find us on Instagram and Flosstube using the following links.





We are SO fortunate to be able to work with some AWESOME people!

Kathryn aka Needleberry Stitcher handles our website and retreat games. You can find her on Instagram and Flosstube.

Alli aka AlliZisCrafty runs our raffle. You can find her on Instagram and Flosstube.

Ashley aka Stitchin Shorty created our fantastic logos! You can find her on Instagram.